Hello there! If you are someone who absently reads my blog from time to time, you might have noticed that I haven’t posted since cancelling Psyia! You might be forgiven for thinking that I’d abandoned this website altogether and had done nothing interesting since! Nothing could be further from the truth!
In reality, I’ve been working nonstop on a bunch of things since cancelling Psyia midway through last year. What’s more, I’ve actually been writing up blog posts about it all! Since September 2019, I’ve been writing daily development logs of everything I’ve been working on, commercial or otherwise. And therein lies the reason for my apparent silence.

I started writing these posts for myself, and wasn’t concerned with the method through which they’d be shared. I realised after a few weeks that while I was really enjoying the practise of writing down what I was doing every day, the problem was that the commercial work I was doing at the time was for a project that wasn’t yet public, and so posting the details of what I was doing technically for the project might be objectionable to the powers that be. Then the commercial project after that was under a similar media embargo, and I find myself now with six months worth of daily blog posts (one week per post), each post containing information which I would need permission to post.
I know that I’ll have permission to post everything I’ve been working on for the latter project within the next few weeks, so that will be good – and I’ll ask permission to post about the previous project once it goes live in the next few months.
Moving forward, I intend on getting permission ahead of time from all of my clients for the work I do to feature in my daily dev log, which should prevent this from being a problem in the future.
As for the personal work I’ve been doing for the past six months, the main focus for me has been learning electronics! I finally broke through the initial vertical learning curve and equipment-purchasing barrier-to-entry and have set up a nice little electronics workbench in my apartment! I have lots of photos and documentation for what I’ve been working on, so I’ll probably do a separate post about that in the next week or so to share what I’ve been doing! Aside from that, I’ve also been doing a little bit of work on the Himawari Satellite scraper and making lots of improvements to Mountaineer. I have some more work planned for the Himawari Scraper, so I might do a post on that after I do that work. And I’ve decided to temporarily stop posting about Mountaineer until the project is a little more fleshed out, so don’t expect any posts about that.

My main professional goal for the next 6-12 months is to get some creative funding for my own projects happening, which would free me from the necessity of doing professional work and allow me to post about whatever I choose! So wish me luck with that!
Hopefully I can start posting my WeekLogs soon!