Origin was the demo product we took to VRLA in April, 2017. The culmination of over two years of neuropsychological research and VR prototyping, Origin was designed to showcase what the Liminal product was meant to become.
It featured two separate apps within – ‘Ripple Effect’, a calming breath-focused experience, and ‘Ion’, an energetic, game-like experience.

The app also featured psychometric testing before and after each experience, which was tied to a PHP/MySQL backend, allowing us to validate the effect size of each experience to assist in further development.

The experiences were well received and achieved astonishingly high, statistically-significant effect sizes, emboldening the team to push ever further!

Credit: Project Lead, Programming, Technical Art, Design, 3D Art, Sound Design

  • Client Liminal VR
  • Date April 3, 2017
  • Tags Liminal Projects, Mobile, Seated VR, Unity